
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Work of Play Exhibition Catalog

Although I try to avoid indulging in self-promotion here, I do make occasional exceptions. What else are blogs for, after all? This past winter, I had the pleasure of working on a chapter for the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts' new exhibition catalog, The Work of Play: Where Business Meets Leisure. My chapter, "Working Men's Clothes in New Jersey, 1750-1825," covers the sorts of garments worn by sailors, farm laborers, slaves, apprentices, and servants, as well as the makers and materials of such clothing. You can pick up your very own copy of the recently-printed catalog in paperback or Kindle edition here. If you happen to be in the area, you can also attend an evening lecture I'm giving at the museum (in Madison, NJ, outside New York City) on June 6th.

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